Mechanical spectroscopy tool
Wide range of products
Reliable impulse excitation measurements
Wide range of services
A mechanical spectroscopy tool is the ideal way to identify certain thermo-mechanical properties of a particular material. At IMCE in Genk, we have the RFDA or Resonance Frequency and Damping Analyser which determines these properties in a non-destructive manner. This provides you with an accurate calculation of elastic properties such as Young’s modulus, shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio and internal friction. Discover the efficient method of our mechanical spectroscopy tool.
An efficient and effective mechanical spectroscopy tool
Our mechanical spectroscopy tool uses the impulse excitation technique as its method. The tested material is tapped with a small projectile, which makes it vibrate. These vibrations are recorded by the RFDA and the data is immediately processed through dedicated software to accurately calculate the resonant frequency and damping values. Based on the resonant frequency in flexural mode, the dimensions and mass, the Young’s modulus is calculated. By performing this test procedure as function of temperature various thermo-mechanical properties can be studied. In comparison to destructive variants, this method merely requires a single sample that is used for a complete temperature cycle
The method can be used on many types of materials, such as ceramics, refractory materials, carbon fiber reinforced composites and metals like steel or aluminium.
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Would you like to gain more information about our particular mechanical spectroscopy tool? You are free to contact us via email at and ask any questions about our measurement systems and services.