Young’s modulus for composites
Wide range of products
Reliable impulse excitation measurements
Wide range of services
Determining orthotropic elastic properties like Young’s modulus E1 and E2 for composites is done efficiently and accurately with the Resonalyser equipment. At IMCE in Genk, we provide measurement systems as well as a service that measures the orthotropic elastic properties and internal friction of orthotropic materials like carbon fiber reinforced composites. With the impulse excitation technique as a basic measurement procedure, we use and provide the Resonalyser to analyse and measure the engineering constants: Young’s moduli E1 and E2, Poisson’s ratio ν12 and the in-plane shear modulus G12 for composites and various other types of orthotropic materials.

Determining Young’s modulus for composites
Besides the impulse excitation technique, there are other techniques that are usually used when measuring Young’s modulus for composites and carbon fiber reinforced composites. Think for example about the three point bending test or the tensile test. The main difference with these tests is that they are time consuming, expensive (using strain gages) and destructive, meaning that the tested material is damaged or destroyed in the measurement process. Therefore, these tests require multiple samples and a significant amount of extra time when testing at different temperatures. With our Resonalyser, you only require one sample of the material of interest and this can be used throughout the entire spectrum of temperatures you would like to test. This way, a highly accurate identification of the orthotropic elastic properties such as Young’s modulus, for composites, but also for other types of materials such as carbon fiber reinforced composites or ceramics, can be made.
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